During a turbulent few years for all businesses, Character.com, like most others, has had to be reactive during the challenges bought about by the pandemic. But following a recent investment, there are big plans to grow the company from its already strong position as a key retailer in the licensed preschool space. Progressive Preschool sat down with buying director Karen Hewitt, to find out more…

While being an online retailer may have stood Character.com in good stead in terms of the volume of sales during the Covid lockdowns and High Street closures, the last year has been far from a straightforward period of business for the Swansea-based firm. Karen Hewitt, buying director at Character.com, recalls: “The most apt description would be a rollercoaster ride. The effects of Covid and Brexit have made running a business harder than ever before and it seems that every vertical, in every industry has been affected in one way or another.
“That’s meant a year being more reactive that we’d have liked, where some plans were put on hold and others put to the top of the priority list.”
To read the full feature in the digital issue of Progressive Preschool, simply click here.