The inaugural show took place from 24-25 May 2024 at the Dubai World Trade Centre.
11,192 visitors attended the show, with 510 VIP buyers and 165 brands. The 2025 show has been set for 16-17 May and organisers expect 15,000 visitors, 700 buyers and 250 brands.
The show covered a range of sectors in the baby industry, including maternity, feeding and nursing, clothing and accessories, education and play, gear, nursery and sleep, bath, potty and baby care and more. Exhibiting brands included Medela, BIBS, Stokke, Maxi-Cosi, Chicco, Cybex, Skip Hop and many more.
87% of the exhibitors surveyed would recommend The Baby Expo to others in the industry, while 92% rated the number of attendees as good, very good, or excellent, and 87% rated the quality of attendees as good, very good, or excellent.
The top five countries represented by visitors to the show were UAE, KSA, Oman, Turkey and India. 36% of attendees were industry professionals, and of those, 73% were buyers. Buyers at the show included Mamas & Papas, Waitrose, Amazon, Hamleys, Mothercare, and more.