As part of its commitment to supporting parents 24/7, Infantino has unveiled a new addit
Infantino has updated its popular 3-in-1 Projector Musical Mobile in a white and sage gr
With Spielwarenmesse having opened its doors this morning (30 January) and running until 3 Februa
Infantino has announced its acquisition of BooginHead – a collection of stylish, universal, affordable b
Infantino has launched a new colourway in its Flip Baby Carrier Collection.
The new Flip 4-in-1 Nature and Nurture Convertible Carrier is a new design in
Four of the Infantino carriers are now available online and in all Smyths stores
The 2-in-1 Tummy Time & Seated Support, Whale Bubble Bath and Music & Lights 3-i
The new Go Gaga Twist & Fold Tropical Gym features detachable toys and an innovat