Posh Paws and its parent company, Whitehouse Leisure, has raised over £10,000 for NHS Charities Together through the sale of its NHS Bears.
Last year – in partnership with NHS Charities Together – Posh Paws specially designed and produced a range of NHS ‘Thank You’ Bears that play a cheering and clapping sound when you press their tummy, with a percentage of the sale of each bear going directly to the charity.
So far, Posh Paws and its parent company Whitehouse Leisure, has raised over £10,000 for NHS Charities Together through the sale of the NHS Bears and it is keen to keep the momentum going and continuing raising invaluable funds for the charity, with the help of its customers.
Every ‘Thank You’ Bear sold, helps fund support for NHS staff with counselling and helplines to protect their mental health, but also practical support such as necessary food, drink and rest areas.
It doesn’t just help NHS staff either, it also directly reaches patients, local communities and hundreds of other vital NHS projects covering the length and breadth of the UK, ensuring that support and funding reaches those who most need it.
With plush being the number one performing toy category in NPD for the biggest growth increase for April when retail opened its doors again, Posh Paws is aiming to continue efforts in raising more donations for the NHS Charities Together this year with its customers’ support.