The Little White Shop opened on 11 November, and is offering baby and children’s clothes and products from a range of small companies.
Having started selling baby clothing to friends and family and in local markets, owner, Danielle Butler, mum of two, has opened her own store on Wellowgate in Grimsby, where she is inviting five other brands to rent shelves to offer a range of preschool products.
Danielle told GrimsbyLive: “I’ve teamed up with five other brands that are locally based to rent shelves and rails and we’ll be selling all sorts of clothing for children. On top of that, we’ll be stocking back packs, raincoats, lunch boxes and everything in between. I’ve always had a passion for dressing my two little girls and people always told me how good they looked.
“However, I found there was never really anywhere for people to shop for that sort of thing. I started finding different pieces for friends and family and started doing the odd market here and there, but they weren’t always that busy.”