Physical event at Great Fosters Hotel, Surrey has been replaced with a virtual event on Wednesday July 1.
The popular annual BTHA AGM & Industry Day will this year take place virtually on Wednesday July 1.
Given the current circumstances surrounding the coronavirus, the physical event – which was due to be held at Great Fosters Hotel, Surrey – is unfortunately not possible this year, the BTHA has confirmed today (June 5).
The BTHA AGM will take place at 9.30am via Zoom, followed by a presentation and Q&A opportunity with guest speaker Don Williams, retail partner at KPMG, who will be discussing the current retail climate.
The online event is predicted to end at 10.30am.
Sir Trevor McDonald – who was also scheduled to present at this year’s physical event – has been re-booked for next year’s Industry Day instead.
The event is exclusive to BTHA and TRA members. If you would like to join the AGM and Industry Day, email who will be able to send joining instructions.